Give Even a Cup of Cold Water

Our artist in residence and retired St Mark pastor, David Nelson, began his sermon by telling us that every creative thing we make is a process.  The end object is a celebration of the process.  The Creation Story, that is represented by the banner now in our worship space, challenges us with four things among which is the fact that we are created in the image of God.  God is the Great Creator/Artist and therefore we are all artists because we are small individual copies of the God who created us.
Matthew’s gospel, 10:40-42, as short as it is, has a very powerful message about the reward we all will receive…”and whoever gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones in the name of a disciple…..truly I tell you, none of these will lose their reward.”
Such small acts have great consequences that are not seen.
Irish folk lore talks about ‘thin places’ in our world where the realm of God is almost touchable to us.
Each of us is one of those ‘thin places’ for each other.

Click the below link to listen to the audio of today’s gospel and sermon:

Third Sunday of Pentecost