Scars and all, God loves us!

Pastor Beth is a potter, and in one of her attempts at making a bowl it collapsed and she thought it was a total failure.  With help she was able to resurrect it and the “scars” from the collapse ended up making it a beautiful and unique piece.

She likened our lives to this bowl.  Being far from perfect, we humans fail on a frequent basis but these failures do not alienate us from God.  God always meets us in our places of weakness and hurt with love that reshapes us.

We are totally and completely loved by God – with all our scars and imperfections.  Jesus hung out with sinners because these were the folks that needed him so much – just like us.

We cannot wait to ‘get it together’ before we go out and do the work of God, we just need to show up – scars and all – and lend the hand of God to those that need it!