What are you willing to struggle for?

Pastor Beth asked the congregation this question in the sermon today.  What is worth it to you to be uncomfortable, to work really hard, to not give up?  For some it is physical fitness, for others academic or professional success, for some it is healthy relationships.

For Jesus it was worth the struggle, even in the face of death, to lift up the poor, and give them hope by spreading the good news of the Kingdom of God here on earth.

Pastor Beth told us about a  “St. Mark neighbor” who showed up last week.  He was wet, lonely and hungry and wanted help.  Pam, our compassionate Office Administrator, warmed him up, fed him, comforted him, and gave him the socks off her feet – literally!  What a fantastic example of how Jesus would have greeted and cared for this young man.

It probably wasn’t convenient to stop her day and take care of this young man and she probably had to struggle to get all her work done after he left.  But, as Beth says, we are the hands and feet of God in the world today and if not us, then WHO?

God Bless you Pam!