Loving in Face of Division

Upon entering church today, we were each given a slip of paper. As service began, Pastor Beth asked that we write down one (or more) of our fears and the kids collected them all. During children’s time, Pastor talked to the kids about what they were afraid of, then they carried the papers outside for a ceremonial burning of all the fears we had written down.

Fear has a way of dividing us. And loving in the face of division is difficult. In today’s Gospel, Jesus calls us to follow him and live without fear. We are to draw strength from our relationship with God and  “endure without fear”. Pastor Beth defines that as an active endurance that keeps us living, loving, giving, forgiving, and serving others.  A courageous endurance that helps us avoid becoming “weary in doing what is right”. A compassionate endurance to love our neighbor in the midst of contention.

Pastor Beth’s message for today was timely given our recent presidential election process. Small pieces of paper…large fears…burned and extinguished.

To listen to the Gospel and sermon, click on the link below.