Jesus Turned The World Upside Down

In Sunday’s Gospel, Matthew 5: 1-12, Jesus names those who are blessed in the “reign of God”. He pronounces blessings on the outcasts, the sinners, the unwelcome and the spiritually poor, and he made their broken world a new world. These Beatitudes created a new reality for the crowds who followed him.

When our world seems broken, in times of difficulty and doubt, we often question God. But Jesus reminds us that He is with us always, even (and especially!) when we are weak and vulnerable. As Pastor Beth says, with his Amazing Grace, God turns things upside down for us. He makes us whole, mends our brokenness, and lifts us up. As our hymn of the day says, “Rejoice and be glad! Yours is the kingdom of God!”

To hear the full Gospel and sermon, click the link below.