Welcome to today’s service. Enjoy the warm weather ahead and do God’s work! If you would like to participate during communion, please have wine and bread ready to do so.
St. Mark Community Garden Happenings The pictures accompanying this article are of last summer during harvest time. As you can see, many volunteers work in the garden to make it a success! Potatoes, carrots, and tomatoes are our largest crops but cabbage, squash, celery, broccoli, corn, and cucumbers are also grown and provide a wide…
Welcome to today’s service. Love your neighbor! If you would like to participate during communion, please have wine and bread ready to do so.
The June 8th gathering for Rock Vespers at St. Mark Lutheran Church has a time change. Instead of 6:00 pm, it will begin at 7:00 pm. This is a one-time-only schedule change. The times for July 13 and August 10 will remain at 6:00 pm. If you know someone who has been attending this wonderful…
Welcome to worship on Holy Trinity Sunday! We are glad you are here! If you would like to take communion, please have your bread and wine ready. God bless you! Welcome to worship
Welcome to today’s service. Wear some red today as the spirit eternal fills you with love and grace. If you would like to participate during communion, please have wine and bread ready to do so.
Welcome to worship on this 7th Sunday of Easter! if you would like to take communion, please have your bread and wine ready. God bless you!
Welcome to today’s service. Remember to live out in love! If you would like to participate during communion, please have wine and bread ready to do so.
Welcome to today’s service. Bare the fruit to your neighbors with grace and love. If you would like to participate during communion, please have wine and bread ready to do so.
Welcome to today’s service. The Lord is our shepherd. If you would like to participate during communion, please have wine and bread ready to do so.