Personal Reflections…

What does it mean to have Christ reign in your life? Pastor Beth asked four members of St. Mark’s congregation to reflect on this question and share their thoughts at both services on November 23, Christ The King Sunday.

For Jenny G, her mother’s writings, her favorite Psalm, 139, and many other sources helped her sort out her beliefs. But her favorite childhood hymn, “He Leadeth Me” was most indicative of her journey in becoming “by his own HAND” a faithful follower of Christ. We can see that Jenny is led and leads others with the hand of Christ.

Brian S also consulted many sources, on line and Biblical, to help him with Pastor Beth’s question, only to find that this task prompted additional questions for him. He was focusing on the concept of LOVE when our morning storm’s thunder and lightening crashed! Brian was probably getting close! Brian’s conclusion was he is still looking for the meaning of Christ reigning in his life and that is why he is right here…right now…still searching.

In his struggle to answer the question, Gary D researched the definitions of King and Monarch. And they just didn’t work for him. So after considering his many mentors and life experiences, he settled on a definition that did work…someone who in the face of danger or adversity or from a position of weakness displays courage and a will for self-sacrifice for some greater good…the definition of HERO. For Gary, he is “Christ My Hero”.

Gail F shared with us how Christ is “reigning” ever-present with her,  even when she is not feeling it in the moment. She feels so “insanely blessed” that she is compelled, by the love of Christ, to share her blessings. That is how Gail finds Christ in her life…in her SERVICE for and with others. Her talk inspires us all to show the Christ in our lives by extending it outside ourselves.

We are all encouraged to pause…and examine what it means to have Christ reign in our lives.

To hear the wonderful reflections of these four faithful Children of God, click on the link below.

Christ The King Sunday