Confirmation Classes

Confirmation is an intentional and fun time of faith formation for our youth. Confirmation will typically begins for students in 7th and 8th grades, but any student in Junior High or High School who has not participated in the Rite of Confirmation is welcome to attend.

St. Mark Lutheran offers a two year confirmation program which includes topics such as:  “Who is God”, “What is Faith”,  the  Bible (both Old and New Testaments), the Small Catechism (a document written by Martin Luther), baptism, communion, worship, service, prayer, and the church. Students will also discuss topics like The Ten Commandments, The Lord’s Prayer and the Apostles Creed. Parents are often involved in the sessions with their students.  Activities include conversation, art, drama, writing, and other activities.

Students are also paired with a mentor–an adult member of St. Mark.   Students and mentors meet several times throughout the school year for faith sharing, conversation, and prayer.

Confirmation classes are usually held on the Second and Fourth Monday of every month during the school year.  We meet at 6:30pm for dinner (provided by the parents) and finish by 8:00pm.   Additional service projects and fellowship activities are scheduled throughout the year.

After completing the Confirmation program, students who desire to confirm their faith are invited to do so during a service of “Affirmation of Baptism” (which is held in the late Spring–usually on Pentecost Sunday).  For more information about this important ministry, please contact the pastor.