Introductory Giving Page

This page gives help information and links to the sites at which you can enter electronic donations. You can still mail in a check and that mail is picked up at the church’s locked mailbox and processed regularly. Click here for reasons to give.

The various methods of Electronic Giving that are currently available and some help instructions on how to use them are presented on this page.


Method 1 – Download, print, and follow these Vanco enrollment instructions:

1. Using black ink, complete the form.
2. Please do not forget to sign and date the “CHECKING / SAVINGS” or “CREDIT / DEBIT CARD” portion of the form.
3. If using your checking account, attach a voided check to the form.
4. Turn in to the Church Office.
(NOTE: The service charge for using your checking account is less than using a credit or debit card)

Blank Vanco Form


Method 2 – Access Classic Vanco Electronic Giving (also known as Web Pay) on this page. This website can be accessed using any browser on any desktop, notebook, tablet, or smartphone. This method automatically selects “Full Site Mode” or “Mobile Site Mode” based on the screen size of your device. However, you can override that setting by clicking “View Mobile Site” or “View Full Site” at the top of the Classic homepage. You can create a one-time transaction without being logged in, but if you do be sure to give your email to receive an email confirmation. Transactions scheduled for a future date or recurring transactions require logging in. This is the interface we have been using for a number of years.

Give to St. Mark Lutheran Church


Method 3 – Access MyVanco Electronic Giving on this page. This website can be accessed using any browser on any desktop, notebook, tablet, or smartphone. You can create a one-time current transaction without being logged in, but if you do be sure to give your email to receive an email confirmation. Transactions scheduled for a future date or recurring transactions require logging in. A box for each sub-fund appears on the MyVanco homepage containing the name and a picture for that sub-fund and a “Give now” link. Click on that “Give now” link to go to a page for that sub-fund containing further information about that sub-fund and a box to make a donation.


For more help and tips see below:
Go to ClassicVancoGivingHelp for more information about Classic Vanco Online Giving.
Go to ClassicVancoMobileModeHelp for example of using Classic Vanco in Mobile mode.
Go to MyVancoOnlineHelp for more information about MyVanco Online.