Welcome to today’s service. If you would like to participate during communion, please have wine and bread ready to do so.
Welcome to today’s service. If you would like to participate during communion, please have wine and bread ready to do so.
Welcome to today’s service. If you would like to participate during communion, please have wine and bread ready to do so.
Welcome to today’s service. If you would like to participate during communion, please have wine and bread ready to do so. God’s glory is revealed in the reading of scripture. People stand at attention. People weep. People prostrate themselves in prayer. The unity of the church is another reflection of God’s glory. Most gloriously, the…
Welcome to today’s service. If you would like to participate during communion, please have wine and bread ready to do so.
Welcome to today’s service. Wade in the water to remember your baptism! If you would like to participate during communion, please have wine and bread ready to do so.
Welcome to today’s service. Let your Light shine as bright as the stars above! If you would like to participate during communion, please have wine and bread ready to do so.
Welcome to today’s service. The Christ Child is born! If you would like to participate during communion, please have wine and bread ready to do so.
Welcome to today’s service. Jesus is born today! If you would like to participate during communion, please have wine and bread ready to do so.
Welcome to today’s service. Spread the cheer! If you would like to participate during communion, please have wine and bread ready to do so.
Welcome to today’s service. If you would like to participate during communion, please have wine and bread ready to do so.