Amazing Grace……and Hope

Pastor Eric showed us one of his crosses in the sermon today.  It says “Amazing Grace” on the front of it.  He decided that it needed something on the back of the cross to complete it so he roped on the word HOPE.  The Gospel today was from the Gospel of John and was Jesus talking about what was to come – some very difficult and hard times.  He was foretelling the Roman Empire’s destruction of the temple in Jerusalem, along with forecasts of war and strife.

Pastor Eric asked us if much has changed these past 2000 years?  We still have war and strife and poverty  (and terrorist attacks) and we probably always will have these in some form.  Jesus told his disciples the same thing that Pastor Eric told us today which is that in Christ there is always HOPE.

God is like a midwife delivering HOPE through us to the world.

Listen to the sermon and let God infuse you with his HOPE.