Arthur K, New Kid in the Family

Arthur Wesley K became the newest kid in our St. Mark family on 7/24/16. Wearing a beautiful family baptismal gown, Arthur was presented for the sacrament of Holy Baptism by his parents, Joe and Rachel K, and sponsors Brock and Bethany C. Our Father has called Arthur by name, and he is forever a “blessed child of God”. We give thanks for Arthur and we celebrate him as our new brother in Christ.

With every baptism, we are given the opportunity to cherish the memory of our own baptism. Pastor Beth reminded us that through the water, the word and the Holy Spirit we are reborn, and we joyfully celebrate the gift of God’s grace.

(Pictured from left to right: Sponsors Harry and Kelly C, Arthur, Arthur’s aunt and sponsor Bethany S, Arthur’s brother Teddy, Arthur’s parents Rachel and Joe.)