Knock, knock, knock…

Today’s sermon, given by “guest” Pastor Linda Milks, a member of our St. Mark congregation, spoke to the parable of the persistent widow and the hateful judge (Luke 18). The widow wears the judge down with her constant knock, knock, knocking, her persistent pleas for justice against her opponent. So she won’t keep bothering him, the judge grants her request.

Jesus tells his people that unlike the disrespectful judge, God does not delay in answering our prayers. God is there to respond, no matter how many times we knock! Pastor Milks reminds us that bad things still happen in the world, but persistence in prayer definitely changes our hearts.

Pastor Milks’ “Ah-Ha” question was, “What if God was the widow in this parable…and the persistent knocking is His plea to us to be just?”

To hear the entire sermon, and ponder this question, click on the link below.