Please Pass The Salt!

“You are the salt of the earth.” This is the pronouncement Jesus gave in the Gospel of Matthew (5:13), for the 5th Sunday after Epiphany. In his sermon based on this Gospel, Pastor Eric said that when salt is added to food, it disappears and creates a flavorful, savory taste. It gives depth to the recipe and draws out something that wasn’t there before. The message is, Jesus is calling us to share our salt (read love!) with others, allowing it to disappear within them, and thus drawing out something new that just wasn’t part of them before.

This week, why don’t we see how our salt tastes in another person? How about if we try to create a new flavor within a neighbor by adding our loving salt, and watching it dissolve deeply within them? We have been chosen by God to be His “Salt Shakers”. So let’s get to work! Please pass the salt!

To listen to the full Gospel and Pastor Eric’s sermon, please click below.