Olympia Union Gospel Mission Needs our Help!

The Olympia Union Gospel Mission’s goal is to share God’s love in practical ways with the homeless and the poverty stricken.  It started in 1995 with a street ministry of sharing sandwiches and coffee with the homeless.  It has grown to a program that now serves hundreds of women, children, and men each year through faith- based alcohol and drug rehab programs, medical, vision, and dental clinics, and three meals a day, EVERY day.

Pastor Linda approved a supply drive in May and June, and here is what is needed:

For Men’s and Women’s Transformational Programs and Street Ministry:

School Supplies, Spiral Notebooks, Binders/Folder/Book Bags, Study Bibles (NIV), Daily Devotionals, Bath Robes, Bath Towels, Deodorant, Razors, Shaving Cream (men/women’s), Shower Shoes, White Crew Socks, Gloves, Women’s Hair Brushes, Men’s New Boxer Style Underwear, Coats, Q-tips

For the kitchen: Fresh Meat (can be frozen), Dairy products, #10 Cans of fruits and vegetables, Volunteer kitchen crew.

We are the hands and feet of Jesus in the world today – let’s help this ministry that is doing EXACTLY what Jesus has commanded.