St. Mark Picnic

Everyone get excited!  Mark your calendar!  Sunday, August 7 is the St. Mark Picnic!

The picnic will be at the Beachcrest Community Beach.  Thanks to Pastor Linda we have this lovely, private beach with a covered picnic area for our use!

The plan is to head out to the picnic area after the church service on August 7 (carpooling is encouraged).  The meal will be a potluck and a sign-up sheet is in the narthex (grab a map at the same time – if you MapQuest you’ll end up in the golf course).

There are no cooking or grilling facilities, or electricity in the picnic area, so whatever you bring will need to be already cooked (you can keep a dish warm in the  church kitchen during worship service).  Suggestions are chicken, ribs, sub sandwiches, and easy to bring side dishes, such as baked beans, fruit and veggie trays, chips, and of course, dessert!  (Bring a cooler if your dish needs refrigeration.) Paper plates, cups, and eating utensils will be provided.  Please bring your own beverages.

Throw a blanket or folding chairs in the trunk, and don’t forget the towels!  There will be an 11.7′ high tide at around 2 p.m. which should be perfect for anyone  interested in taking a dip or launching a kayak!

There will be sun … that’s a promise!

Questions?  Contact Chris S.

See you there!!