Time with Children

Sunday School Happenings!

The Sunday School kids from preschool through 6th grade have had a great time this fall learning Bible lessons in new and fun ways through the Spark curriculum.  We’ve completed units on “The Sower” and “The Creation Story”.  Thanks to all of you in the congregation who have volunteered your time and talents to helping the kids learn through art, music, drama, cooking, games, and science.  Everyone has been engaged and interested in all of the new ways to look at these stories.  The kids have also really enjoyed and benefited from getting to know each new teacher during these one-week classes.  Thanks also to the shepherds and musicians who have helped out each week – we couldn’t do it without you!

The Advent Fair is scheduled for Sunday December 4th.  If you would like to help out by leading a craft project contact Earla.  There won’t be Sunday School that week, but it will be a wonderful opportunity for families to do some projects together as we celebrate Advent.  On December 11, and 18, all of the age groups will be getting ready for the nativity and songs that will be a part of the 4:00pm family Christmas Eve Worship service.  If you will be in town for Christmas,  please plan to join us.  We’d love to have as many children as possible participate.

And lastly, if you haven’t had the chance to be involved, or you have but can’t wait to do it again, keep an eye out for the sign-up sheet for the January/February lessons.  If you think you might like to participate and have questions or if you have an idea for a project you’d like to share with the kids, call or talk to one of us.  We’d love to tell you more about this great program and hear how you can share your talents with the youth of St. Mark.

Carrie and Angie, Sunday School Coordinators