January 2012 Sunday School

Sunday school has had a great time during the Advent season. Our big project was the “Live Nativity” presented during the Family 4:00 pm service on Christmas Eve. We will finish up our last Advent lesson for the rotational Sunday school on January 8 and then move to our series, “The Lord’s Prayer.” We are in need of volunteers for that series; please look for a sign-up poster in the Narthex.

Also, please remember that if you are bringing a Preschool-6th grade student to Sunday school to bring him/her to the Sanctuary at 9:45 for our opening. The opening includes a prayer, songs, Bible story, and offering. At 10:00 groups move to their learning locations: 1st-6th grades in the Parish Hall, and Preschool/Kindergarten to their room in the Education Building; you can pick up your child from their learning location at 10:45. Junior high and high school students meet in their respective rooms (identified on the door) in the Education Building at 9:45.

Hey students … try inviting a friend to Sunday school. It’s a GREAT PLACE to build friendships!