Community Garden News – the new raised beds are ‘raised’!

On April 28th Len Booth led a work party to install the 20 new raised beds.  It was a lovely morning.  The group  put down cardboard as a weed barrier,  placed and secured the beds, filled them with organic compost,  and shoveled wood shavings in the aisles.  Four apple trees were planted in the center.

Mike D. ran the tractor, Wade M. constructed the beds ahead of time, and Frank K. brought them to the church on his trailer.  Other work party members included Milt O., Chuck and Pam C. , Gary D., Gail F. and Jim S. along with some new community gardeners.

All of the raised beds are now taken, and most of them are already planted.  Please take the time to stroll through the garden each week to see what is growing.  Below are pictures from the garden as of May 8th.

We will be having every Wednesday evening gleaning parties in the garden.  All ripe produce on Wed evenings will be picked from all the beds, as well as the pea patch.  We will need lots of hands to make this work through-out the summer.  We also hope to have worship, educational classes, and cooking demonstrations so watch the website, and the Grape Seed for upcoming events!