Animate.Faith Week 4 Postponed to Nov. 4

Theologians, artists, writers, and Christians of all stripes have spent centuries trying to figure out what salvation is really about. The ideas that have come from all that effort are often helpful, but sometimes they are so compelling that they keep us from exploring other ideas. Shane Hipps, fourth speaker in the video series Animate.Faith, asks us to make our way back to what Jesus had to say about salvation. What do Jesus’ words suggest? Shane believes that salvation has at least as much to do with this life as the next. What do you think about that? Come to Pastor Eric’s Education Hour between services Sunday, November 4, to experience Shane Hipps and his stimulating view of salvation titled “Abundant Life Now”. Preview the Fourth Session on YouTube. Check out the schedule of the other “Animate Faith” sessions on the Bible Study page on the Ways to Learn menu.

NOTE: There will be no class Sunday, October 28, so we can all attend the Endowment Conversation, “The Joy of Legacy Giving” led by Jon Shaffer and Rob Alspaugh.