The Four Horsemen of GRACE (or the 4 Un’s)

Pastor Eric’s sermon described what he called the Four Horsemen of GRACE – or the 4 Un’s:

1.  Grace is Unrelenting!   If you have ever had a dog who played ‘Fetch’ you know that sometimes they have a very hard time letting go of the ball or the toy.  God is like that with us.  He will not let go, and He will not give up on wanting us to have His grace.

2.  Grace is Unrealistic!  God is totally impractical and not at all rational with His grace.  Nadia Bolz-Weber, in her book, Pastrix:  The Cranky, Beautiful faith of a Sinner & Saint talks of Loving your enemy, and praying for those who slap you around because “evil is simply not more powerful than love”.

3.  Grace is unbelievable!  God’s grace is for you – not because we earned it, but as the Gospel says, we have an inheritance.  It is available to us the moment we leave the womb and for our entire lives.

4.  Grace is Unbalanced!  God’s grace is abundant.  There is no scarcity of Grace – ever.  Jesus offers FREEDOM and GRACE – relief from all the burdens and cares of this world.  Pastor Eric demonstrated this with a chain and bolt cutters.  He invited us to accept this gift of Grace (literally!) using his bolt cutters and some chain.  We were asked to place half of the chain loop in the baptismal font as evidence of giving our burden to God.

Enjoy November 3rd’s sermon, which you can listen to by clicking on the below link.

All Saints Sunday-2013