Totally…towards the light.

Life is not always easy. We long for “the light”. We desperately want to remember that “the light shines in the darkness and the darkness does not overcome it”. God always comes to us, often unannounced, and especially in the midst of the storm, to point us towards the light.

During this time of year, a lot of things point us to the light. Some are very obvious, like the shining star at the top of our Christmas tree. And some not so obvious…

On the fourth Sunday in Advent, Pastor Beth told a wonderful, personal Christmas story involving her family’s dog, fallen branches from one of our recent northwest windstorms, and the great discovery she and her children made that “totally” (a term exclaimed by her 13 year old son!) reminded the family of how insistence and persistence can reveal God’s work in our lives.

To hear the compelling details of Pastor Beth’s personal Christmas story, or to relive it once again, click on the link below.

Fourth Sunday In Advent