God’s Kiss of Grace

On this fifth Sunday after Epiphany, Pastor Eric shared his vision of God’s intimate, immediate kiss of grace. His idea began with a “Thursday Church” exercise of writing words that represented gifts from God on strips of paper and forming them into a chain. Some of the gifts noted were compassion, family, mercy, and growth. During this morning’s children’s time, the kids came up with other words to add to the “chain of God’s good stuff”; then Pastor Eric invited all attending worship to add more gifts, or “kisses” from God, to the chain.

As seen in today’s Gospel, 1:29-39, God’s grace comes in many ways…in healing, in service to others, in a loving touch, in prayer. Even in “helping a friend who falls on the playground”, as one child put it!

How have you felt the kiss of God’s grace? What does it look like to you? We are reminded to keep a “posture of openness” while waiting to see how God will show up in our lives. And look for the “Grace Chain” to also show up some where around the church. When you spot it, pause and give thanks for all of God’s kisses given abundantly to us, His children.

To listen to the sermon, including the children’s time, click on the link below.

5th Sunday after Epiphany