Welcome to worship on this Second Sunday in Lent! If you would like to have communion, please have your bread and wine ready. God bless you!

Welcome to worship on this Second Sunday in Lent! If you would like to have communion, please have your bread and wine ready. God bless you!
Each Wednesday during the season of Lent (February 21-March 20), we gather at 5:45pm for a simple soup supper followed by a worship service in the sanctuary at 6:30pm. The service includes reflections of God’s faithfulness offered by members of St. Mark on the theme, “Through the Storm, Through the Night, Lead Me on to…
You are welcome to attend our Ash Wednesday services today at 12noon and 7:00pm. Both services will include the Imposition of Ashes and Holy Communion. God bless you!
All are welcome to our Ash Wednesday services at 12noon and 7:00pm on February 22 in the sanctuary. Worship will include the Imposition of Ashes, readings from Scripture, prayers, hymns, and Holy Communion.
Welcome to worship on this Fourth Sunday in the season of Lent! We are thankful you are here. This morning we hear the beloved words from the third chapter of the Gospel of John: “For God so loved the world…” We are reminded of God’s great love for us for the whole world. This morning…
Welcome to worship! As Jesus over turned the tables of the money changers in the temple, he continues to over turn whatever keeps us separated from God’s love in all it’s fullness. After the suicide death of friends’ teenage son, Pastor Beth talks about the impact of the pandemic on feelings of depression and discouragement…
Welcome to worship on this First Sunday in Lent. Life can feel a bit like a wilderness. We pray this worship will offer you rest and sustenance on the way! The service includes Holy Communion. Please have your bread and wine (or something similar) ready if you would like to participate.