Community Garden potato/weed patch

Community Garden Work Party Saturday May 28th 1 pm

Join us for a weeding and work party at the St. Mark Community Garden this Saturday May 28, 2011 at 1pm.  The weeds like this cool weather much better than the potatoes and they will soon crowd  them out if we don’t get to them.  Bring family, friends, rototillers, hoes, hula hoes, any any other trusty weeding device.  We will also be weeding around the pea cages.  There will be some refreshments.

Please browse through the raised beds as they are really starting to grow.  Some of the beds are further along than others and a few have yet to be planted but it is all beautiful.

Earla's beautiful bed
Earla's beautiful bed

You will find peas, spinach, chard, brocolli, artichokes, corn, beans, squash, tomatoes, lettuce and romaine.  Take your children and see if they can identify the different plants!  See you in the garden soon!