garden harvest at Feed n Weed July 20, 2011

145 pounds of veggies to the Thurston County Food Bank

Despite a rather cloudy and cool summer, the garden continues to grow!  In fact, most raised beds are overflowing into the aisles.  Lettuce, cabbage, broccoli, snow peas, kale, onions, spinach, and chard have loved this weather!  As of July 28th, the St. Mark Community Garden has produced 145 pounds of produce for the Thurston County Food Bank.  

We have received some very nice donations from Olympia’s Bark and Garden Center.  They donated five pallets of steer manure, all the cages around the peas, and they just donated 50 tomato plants – complete with green tomatoes on them.  Thanks to all who worked to put these tomatoes in place and those who will nurture them to harvest.

St. Mark Community Garden Feed n Weed July 20, 2011The potatoes are doing GREAT!!!  We don’t know the harvest date/s yet but it will be the middle of September.  As soon as we know when the harvesting will occur,  we will get the word out.  We will need MANY hands to harvest 6,000 square feet of potatoes!  With God’s help, we will get it done!

Feed ‘n’ Weed potlucks will be August  3rd and the 17th.  On the 17th we will have a very informative lecture on “Preserving Food from Your Garden” by Karen B, a clinical dietician.  Join us at 6:00 pm for a potluck followed by weeding and harvesting!