“Loaves and Fish Offering”

On July 31, the gospel lesson from Matthew 14 was the story of the “Feeding of the Five Thousand. ” During the children’s message, the children were invited to move among the congregation and collect any coins those gathered in worship had on hand to feed the hungry crowd. The congregation was invited to offer any change they had in their pockets or purses that morning to give to the ELCA World Hunger Appeal.

As the children excitedly moved around the sanctuary, coins were heard clinging into baskets.   Before it was all over, we had gathered $185.58.  Another $70 was raised by guessing the total of the change in the basket.  As a result, we will be able to contribute $255.58  toward alleviating hunger.

Through the ELCA Good Gifts Program, your spare change will provide a community Fish Farm. Giving your neighbors a fish means they will eat for a day … but this gift helps your neighbors start a community fish- farming project that offers long-lasting solutions to hunger. A gift to support ELCA World Hunger helps provide animals to families living in poverty, which in turn gives them food, funds and fertilizer — all for a better future.