St. Mark Community Garden potato harvest September 22, 2012

3201 pounds of Potatoes for the Food Bank

Saturday September 22nd about 70 people came to the Community Garden armed with shovels and buckets and 3 1/2 hours later there were 3200 pounds of potatoes out of the ground and on their way to the hungry of Thurston County.  It was a wonderful day with no rain and perfect temperature for outdoor work.  The girl scouts came out in droves along with church and community members.  The volunteers enjoyed both breakfast and lunch thanks to the Chapman family and Karen G.  Heather Sundeen, produce manager of the Thurston County Food Bank brought the crates and the truck and helped all morning also.

Many thanks to everyone who has helped the community garden this past year – financially, prayerfully, and with good old fashioned elbow grease!  Community Garden potato harvest