Pastor’s Ponderings for Easter 2013

Our Lenten journey provides us the opportunity to reflect upon Jesus, our faith, and our lives – upon who Christ is, who we are, and how we live as loved and forgiven children of God. I love how this Lent, we are doing this reflection as we look at each other during worship! We are a church in the round – a church who gathers around the table, the font, the word, and the cross.

It may feel a bit awkward, scary, and fun! I love it because there is no denying it … we are a community of faith. We see each other’s faces as we worship and practice what we know to be true. We cannot think about our faith, about love and forgiveness, or about how we live our lives, without each other. As the body of Christ, we learn together. We know how we fail each other and how we hold one another. We learn how Christ forgives us and holds us in love and how he helps us love and forgive one another. We gather around the cross to reflect upon Jesus and how we live as his disciples.

In the next couple of weeks, our Lenten journey leads us into Holy Week where we, on Palm Sunday, in one breath celebrate Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem and in another breath, are confronted with the hard reality of life in community – betrayal, forgiveness, repentance, and discipleship.

Our journey guides us through Maundy Thursday to the Upper Room we where share in the meal Christ told us to share and remember him. Jesus gives us the command to love one another as he has loved us.

This love of Christ takes us to Good Friday and the cross. We are reminded of Jesus’ love for us, a love that keeps on loving, no matter what, even when we scatter, hide, flee, and forsake him and each other.

On Easter, we find ourselves at the empty tomb, with the resurrected Christ speaking the words, “Peace be with you.” Jesus reminds us that as we journey through the reality and pain of life, through the challenge of living as a community of faith, we do not need to be afraid. The love of God is always triumphant.

We celebrate the welcomed promise of Easter. We celebrate that we are loved and forgiven and given a new day and new life in Christ’s name. We celebrate that no matter where the journey of life takes us, no matter how we stumble and fall, Christ’s peace is with us. We are loved by a triumphant God of resurrection. We celebrate that we are given the privilege to be Christ’s body and “Go in peace to love and serve the Lord.” Thanks be to God!

Have a blessed Lenten journey, Holy Week, and Easter!

+ Pastor Beth

Holy Week Schedule
Palm Sunday (3/24) – 8:30am and 11am
Maundy Thursday (3/28) – 7pm
Good Friday (3/29) – Noon and 7pm
Easter Sunday (3/31) – 8:30 and 11am (breakfast between Easter services)