Trinity Sunday

In the Gospel (John 16:12-15), Jesus says, “When the spirit comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will glorify me because he will take what is mine and declare it to you.” He explained to his disciples that God’s Son had entered the world to reside in one body. He was leaving earth to return to the Father. And the Spirit would then come and reside in many bodies.  Thus, we see the trinity at work…God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit who comes to live in us all.

Pastor Eric reminded us that God’s messages come to us in whispers and reflections. Somewhere, anywhere, we see Him, hear Him.  Sometimes we’re surprised by it! But always, His whisper comes when we most need it.

Together, we praised the Holy Trinity with Pastor Eric’s song: “Our God is three in one, our God is one in three. This is our truth and might, we live this mystery. And so we give our thanks to the Holy Trinity”.

Click the link below to listen to the Gospel, the sermon and the music honoring the Holy Trinity.