Sunday School (Page 4)

St Mark Youth to Celebrate Earth Day

April 22 is Earth Day. Sunday School children at St. Mark Lutheran Church will celebrate Earth Day this year by planting plant starts and seeds for a variety of herbs. The herb garden will be in a 8’ x’8’ raised bed that is part of St. Mark’s Community Garden. A three-quarters wine barrel has recently…

Sunday School Schedule

Find an activity that you would like to lead or assist with for one Sunday and sign up on the paper copy in the narthex. We’ll provide lesson plans for you from the Spark curriculum, or if you have an idea of something you’d like to do but aren’t sure where it might fit in,…

Sunday School February 2012

St. Mark Sunday School children are mid-way through their study of the Lord’s Prayer. We are learning the story and meaning of this prayer from many different angles, enjoying everything from games, singing and chanting, to making picture books, and having fun with food in the kitchen. We’re working on getting the prayer memorized, and…

January 2012 Sunday School

Sunday school has had a great time during the Advent season. Our big project was the “Live Nativity” presented during the Family 4:00 pm service on Christmas Eve. We will finish up our last Advent lesson for the rotational Sunday school on January 8 and then move to our series, “The Lord’s Prayer.” We are…

Time with Children

Sunday School Happenings!

The Sunday School kids from preschool through 6th grade have had a great time this fall learning Bible lessons in new and fun ways through the Spark curriculum.  We’ve completed units on “The Sower” and “The Creation Story”.  Thanks to all of you in the congregation who have volunteered your time and talents to helping the…

Sunday School – Music and Creation

As part of the new Sunday School format, on October 30, Amy B led the 1st-6th graders through a lesson on “Music and Creation”. To represent each of the days of Creation, Amy chose 2-3 songs on her laptop for the kids to listen to.  After Amy read the description of the day from the Bible, and they…